How economic Elite’s tried to destroy Barcelona’s green belt
the end of 2011 Catalan government decided to enter the bid to host Mr. Adelson’s “Eurovegas”, an ambitious project to build a Las Vegas-like gambling spot in Spain. Mr. Adelson, an American casino magnate, who lists number 16th in the world’s most weathly people, already has a similar project in the island of Macao just by Honk Kong. He approached Spanish authorities around a year ago with lots of promises, tens of thousands of jobs that would imply the construction of the casinos and hotels and later in staff working in the premises. Money and tourist flow that would revitalize economy.
Due to Spain’s social-economic situation, with a rate of unemployment close to 25%, the two Spanish autonomies that have been offered the project (Madrid and Catalunya) are playing hard to host the huge casino complex, presidents of both communities are willing to
accept immigration, health, employment and environmental law changes which may set a precedent for other similar abuses in the future.The spot that Generalitat of Catalunya has chosen is an agricultural park next to Barcelona, 20% of the vegetables consumed in Barcelona come from there, and employs around 1,500 farmers, many of whom have been doing this for several generations. There has been a total opacity in the way that Government has dealt with the situation, farmers know from press that Generalitat has offered
accept immigration, health, employment and environmental law changes which may set a precedent for other similar abuses in the future.The spot that Generalitat of Catalunya has chosen is an agricultural park next to Barcelona, 20% of the vegetables consumed in Barcelona come from there, and employs around 1,500 farmers, many of whom have been doing this for several generations. There has been a total opacity in the way that Government has dealt with the situation, farmers know from press that Generalitat has offered